The Interaction between Nature and Civilizations

Dear students,Your group has been assigned a specific biome, where some interactions between human activities and nature happen. Group1: Desert: adaptation and counter-adaptation Group2: Wind: Prairies and Savannas Group3: Rain: Tropical Lowlands and Post-Ice Age Forests Group4: Climbing Paradise: Highland Civilization of the Old World The purpose of this project is to break through theContinue reading “The Interaction between Nature and Civilizations”

Ice Dominion: Inhabited in Arctic Tundra( Student Example)

Blog by Hattie Haitian Peng Location North America – Northern Alaska, Canada, Greenland Northern Europe – Scandinavia Northern Asia – Siberia Climate The tundra biome is characterized by extremely cold temperatures and treeless, frozen landscapes. The arctic tundra is located in the extreme northern hemisphere around the north pole. This area experiences low amounts of precipitationContinue reading “Ice Dominion: Inhabited in Arctic Tundra( Student Example)”

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